AVISPA: a tool for analyzing software process models

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Hurtado Alegría, Julio
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AVISPA: a tool for analyzing software process models
Defining and formalizing the software development process is a common means for improving it. Software
processmodeling is often a challenging and expensive endeavor, because a well specified processmay still include
inefficiencies that are hardly detected before enacting it. Thus, assessing process quality is a relevant concern to
improve several aspects such as conceptual integrity, correctness, usability, maintainability, and performance,
among others. This paper describes AVISPA, a graphical tool that allows analyzing the quality of SPEM 2.0
software processes models. AVISPA identifies a series of error patterns and highlights them in different blueprints.
A detailed description of the internals of AVISPA is provided to show both its structure and its extensibility
mechanisms. We also present an interactive mechanism to define new analysis scripts and to implement new
patterns and blueprints. This paper illustrates the application ofAVISPA in an industrial case study where process
engineers are assisted to analyze the quality of their process.
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This work was partly funded by project Fondef D09I1171 of Conicyt, Chile. The work of Julio A. Hurtado
was also partially funded by NIC Chile. This work was partly funded by Program U-INICIA 11/06 VID
2011, grant U-INICIA 11/06, University of Chile, and FONDECYT 1120094.
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J. Softw. Evol. and Proc. 2014; 26:434–450