La organización interna como arma estratégica: descentralización y delegación

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Bárcena-Ruiz, Juan Carlos
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La organización interna como arma estratégica: descentralización y delegación
In this article we analyze the choice, for strategic reasons, of the way in which a firm organizes itself with reagard to the degree of production decisions. We show that the organizational form can be used together with other instruments, such as the strategic delegation, to deter the entrance of rivals or to modify the degree of competition in the market. Our results show that descentralization used as an isolated instrument desincentivates the rival´s entrance while centralization enhances it but, combined with the instrument of strategit delegation, both organizational forms are posible in equilibrium depending of degree of substitutability of the goods.
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Estudios de economía. Vol.26 No. 1 Junio 1998 Pags. 7-23