Test de marcha de seis minutos en niños con bronquiolitis obliterante postviral. Correlación con espirometría

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Zenteno, Daniel
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Test de marcha de seis minutos en niños con bronquiolitis obliterante postviral. Correlación con espirometría
Post infectious obliterans bronchiolitis (OB) causes persistent pulmonary function impairment
and could affect patient ability to perform exercise. Six minute-walk test (6MWT) is a useful tool to
study these aspects. Objective: Children with OB were evaluated with spirometry and 6MWT and the
relationship between spirometrics measurements and 6MWT were determined. Twenty-seven children
with OB were studied with a base line spirometry and 6MWT. Correlation between spirometry and
6MWT: covered distance, Borg index (BI), oxygen saturation (O2S) and heart rate (HR), were
carried out using Rho of Spearman with SPSS 11.5. There was not relation between the covered
distance and spirometrics values; only FVC correlates with final O2S (rho = 0.4; p = 0.02). The
other spirometrics variables correlates with BI, O2S and HR; Interestingly FEV1 correlates with: BI
(rho = -0.7; p < 0.01), O2S (rho = 0.5; p < 0.01) and HR (rho = -0.5; p < 0.01). BI was
significant related to FEV1/FVC (rho = -0.7; p < 0.01) and FEF25-75 (rho = -0.8; p < 0.01).
Airflow obstruction, especifically a low FEV1, is related with a high BI and HR; and also with a
lower O2S at the end of 6MWT. Increase of BI is the change most related with airflow obstruction.
URI: https://repositorio.uchile.cl/handle/2250/128523
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Rev Chil Enf Respir 2008; 24: 15-19