Queratoconjuntivitis por adenovirus generadas a partir de una consulta oftalmológica

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Romero C., Pablo
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Queratoconjuntivitis por adenovirus generadas a partir de una consulta oftalmológica
Introduction: Eye infection is a common cause of ophtalmologic consultation.
Adenovirus keratoconjunctivitis outbreaks are common worldwide but its impact and
clinical characteristic in Chilean population is unkown. Objective: To describe a series
of adenovirus keratoconjunctivitis cases. Patients and Method: The Índex case and
contacts received medical care in the Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile between
April and August 2006. A complete ophthalmologic exam and microbiologic evaluation
was performed. Results: Nine patients presented a pattern of characteristic epidemic
keratoconjunctivitis. In x cases sub-corneal epithelial infiltrates were observed for a
period of more than six months. Three affected patients were ophtalmologists, staff at
the Hospital. In seven patients ADV was isolated all bellonging to type D genus.
Conclusions: Adenovirus type D caused epidemic keratoconjunctivitis in a series of
Chilean individuals. Ophthalmologist may have transmitted the virus to patients.
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Rev Chil Infect 2010; 27(2): 148-152