The relation between hairpin formation bymitochondrialWANCY tRNAs and the occurrence of the light strand replication origin in Lepidosauria

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Seligmann, Hervé
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The relation between hairpin formation bymitochondrialWANCY tRNAs and the occurrence of the light strand replication origin in Lepidosauria
Mitochondrial light strand DNA replication is initiated at light strand replication origins (OLs), short stem-loop
hairpins formed by the heavy strand DNA. OL-like secondary structures are also formed by heavy strand DNA
templating for the five tRNAs adjacent to OLs, the WANCY tRNA cluster.We tested whether natural OL absence
associates with greater capacities for formation of OL-like structures byWANCY tRNA genes. Using lepidosaurian
taxa (Sphenodon, lizards and amphisbaenids), we compared WANCY tRNA capacities to form OL-like structures
between 248 taxa possessing an OL with 131 taxa without OL (from different families). On average, WANCY
tRNA genes form more OL-like structures in the absence of a regular OL than in its presence. Formation of OLlike
structures by WANCY tRNAs follows hierarchical patterns thatmay reduce competition between the tRNA's
translational function and its secondary OL function: the rarer the tRNA's cognate amino acid, the greater the capacity
to form OL-like structures. High OL-forming capacities for neighboring tRNAs are avoided. Because OL absence
usually occurs in taxa with reduced genomes, increased formation of OL-like structures by WANCY tRNAs
might result fromselection for greater metabolic efficiency. Further analyses suggest that OL loss is one of the latest
steps in genome reduction, and promotes the increase in formation of OL-like structures by WANCY tRNA
genes in Lepidosauria.
General note
Artículo de publicación ISI
This project was partially funded by FONDECYT
1120181 to AL.
Quote Item
Gene 542 (2014) 248–257