Particle-in-Cell Simulations of Continuosly Driven Mirror and Ion cycloton Instability in High Beta Astrophysical and Heliospheric Plasmas

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Riquelme Hernández, Mario
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Particle-in-Cell Simulations of Continuosly Driven Mirror and Ion cycloton Instability in High Beta Astrophysical and Heliospheric Plasmas
We use particle-in-cell simulations to study the nonlinear evolution of ion velocity space instabilities in an
idealized problem in which a background velocity shear continuously amplifies the magnetic field. We simulate
the astrophysically relevant regime where the shear timescale is long compared to the ion cyclotron period, and
the plasma beta is β ∼ 1–100. The background field amplification in our calculation is meant to mimic processes
such as turbulent fluctuations or MHD-scale instabilities. The field amplification continuously drives a pressure
anisotropy with p⊥ > p and the plasma becomes unstable to the mirror and ion cyclotron instabilities. In all cases,
the nonlinear state is dominated by the mirror instability, not the ion cyclotron instability, and the plasma pressure
anisotropy saturates near the threshold for the linear mirror instability. The magnetic field fluctuations initially
undergo exponential growth but saturate in a secular phase in which the fluctuations grow on the same timescale
as the background magnetic field (with δB ∼ 0.3 B in the secular phase). At early times, the ion magnetic
moment is well-conserved but once the fluctuation amplitudes exceed δB ∼ 0.1 B , the magnetic moment is no
longer conserved but instead changes on a timescale comparable to that of the mean magnetic field. We discuss
the implications of our results for low-collisionality astrophysical plasmas, including the near-Earth solar wind and
low-luminosity accretion disks around black holes.
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Artículo de publicación ISI
CONICYT; Proyecto Fondecyt Iniciación No. 11121145); NASA
HTP grant NNX11AJ37G and NASA grant NNX12AB27G
DOI: DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/800/1/27
ISSN: 0004-637X
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The Astrophysical Journal, 800:27 (17pp), 2015 February 10
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