Large screens in the liquid perception of urban landscape

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Velásquez Betancourt, Paola
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Large screens in the liquid perception of urban landscape
The permanent or ephemeral irruption of moving images in urban space provokes changes in the experience of a landscape, impacting
on the notion of space itself: by moving the attention’ focus from static accidents to changing focuses, the interest vector becomes
predominant in heightening the void of space, while its borders – the landscape – become plastic. The acceptance of ICTs by society,
their technical advances demonstrated by the use of screens with seductive design, allows for a foretelling of the phenomenon’s
expansion, which will shape a new perception of urban space and its experience. Since moving images will define the reading of the
21st century space, as the impact of automobile or large-scale billboard advertising did in the 20th century, it is necessary to know
in what specific ways the irruption of large-scale LED screens happens in Santiago, and its degree of induction in spatial perception.
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International Journal of Design Sciences and Technology, Volume 21 Number 2 (2015)
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