Ambiguity and Long-Run Cooperation in Strategic Games
This paper studies the effects of ambiguity on long-run cooperation in infinitely repeated games with strategic
players. Using a neo-additive capacities framework, which allows us to work with a utility function that
parametrically captures the degree of ambiguity, we determine a critical condition under which players
can cooperate in equilibrium. Then, this result is applied to canonical problems of strategic interaction
and potential cooperation: the Prisoner’s Dilemma and the Cournot and Bertrand duopoly models. The
application leads to two main conclusions. First, ambiguity may alter the game structure to schemes where
seeking conditions to sustain long-run cooperative agreements stops being desirable. In these cases, noncooperation
is more profitable in expected terms and is achievable as a short-run Nash equilibrium. This
happens for parametric combinations usually characterized by large levels of ambiguity. Second, in cases
where cooperation between individuals is still desirable, the critical discount factor needed to sustain the
equilibrium can vary in very non-trivial ways with the ambiguity parameters. In some cases, games may not
accept a feasible discount factor consistent with a cooperative equilibrium, even when the expected payoff
of cooperating is larger
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Series Documentos de Trabajo No. 415, pp. 1 - 25, Marzo, 2018
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