Manejo quirúrgico en la colitis ulcerosa grave. Alternativas técnicas

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Barrera Escobar, Alejandro
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Manejo quirúrgico en la colitis ulcerosa grave. Alternativas técnicas
Surgical options for treatment of severe ulcerative colitis are presented. The preferred treatment should
consider clinical presentation (elective or emergency), age, co-morbidities, functional status, previous
continence and acceptance of a temporary or permanent ostomy. In emergency condition the alternative is
subtotal colectomy with end ileostomy and closure of the rectal stump. This removes the extended disease,
can optimize medical therapy and leads the patient to an optimal condition for elective surgery. In the case
of elective condition the patient’s functional status and continence becomes more important. The most
commonly used option is the proctocolectomy with ileal reservoir and anal anastomosis and loop ileostomy.
Functional results are appropriate and even though morbidity is high, there is an adequate control
of the disease with an overall 8% failure of the reservoir. Other alternatives include proctocolectomy with
permanent ileostomy, the continent ileostomy and total colectomy with ileo rectal anastomosis.
Quote Item
Gastroenterol. latinoam 2014; Vol 25, Supl Nº 1: S 35- S 37
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