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Author Norambuena, Heraldo V.
Author Areta, Juan Ignacio
Author Medrano, Fernando
Author Ortiz, Patricio
Author Victoriano, Pedro F.
Admission date 2018-12-20T14:22:43Z
Available date 2018-12-20T14:22:43Z
Publication date 2017
Cita de ítem dc.identifier.citation Ornitologia Neotropical, Volumen 28,
Identifier dc.identifier.issn 10754377
Identifier dc.identifier.uri
Abstract dc.description.abstract © The Neotropical Ornithological Society.Anthus correndera Chilensis is one of the six subspecies of the Correndera Pipit. It is widely distributed in Chile and Argentina, but despite being common in its habitat, knowledge of essential aspects of its natural history is poor. Its distribution in Chile ranges from the region of Atacama to Isla Navarino in the Magallanes region, while in Argentina it is distributed from Laguna Seca, province of Mendoza to Tierra del Fuego along the Andes, and on a narrow strip along the Atlantic coast between Tierra del Fuego and the South of the Province of Río Negro. Based on information generated in 10 localities of Chile and Argentina, we present new information on distribution, biometry, vocalizations, breeding, and plumage/molting. Despite the large number of presence records available, there are areas of distribution in Argentina that require exploration. Because the boundaries with other subspecies, such as correndera and catamarcae, are incomplet
Lenguage dc.language.iso en
Publisher dc.publisher Neotropical Ornithological Society
Type of license dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
Link to License dc.rights.uri
Source dc.source Ornitologia Neotropical
Keywords dc.subject Anthus correndera Chilensis
Keywords dc.subject Argentina
Keywords dc.subject Bioacoustics
Keywords dc.subject Chile
Keywords dc.subject Correndera pipit
Keywords dc.subject Distribution
Keywords dc.subject Habitat
Keywords dc.subject Motacillidae
Título dc.title Contributions to the natural history of the correndera pipit (Anthus correndera Chilensis) Aportes a la historia natural del bailarÍn chico o cachirla comÁn (anthus correndera Chilensis)
Document type dc.type Artículo de revista
Cataloguer uchile.catalogador SCOPUS
Indexation uchile.index Artículo de publicación SCOPUS
uchile.cosecha uchile.cosecha SI
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