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Author Acevedo, R.
Author Vasquez, S. O.
Author Flint, C. D.
Admission date 2018-12-20T14:35:49Z
Available date 2018-12-20T14:35:49Z
Publication date 1991
Cita de ítem dc.identifier.citation Molecular Physics, Volumen 74, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 853-860
Identifier dc.identifier.issn 13623028
Identifier dc.identifier.issn 00268976
Identifier dc.identifier.other 10.1080/00268979100102631
Identifier dc.identifier.uri
Abstract dc.description.abstract A method to estimate the contribution to the vibronic intensity in electronic transitions of inorganic complex ions due to second order terms in the Herzberg-Teller expansion of vibronic wavefunctions is developed and applied to the 4A2g ↔ 4T2g transition of the MnF2- 6 ion. Both crystal field and ligand polarization contributions are derived, the crystal field term being evaluated in the single intermediate p state approximation. Contributions to the intensity of the nine second order terms are evaluated for several force fields and compared with recent experimental data. Although there are some difficulties in this comparison, it provides some support both for the model and the attribution of the intensity mechanism. © 1991 Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
Lenguage dc.language.iso en
Type of license dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
Link to License dc.rights.uri
Source dc.source Molecular Physics
Keywords dc.subject Biophysics
Keywords dc.subject Molecular Biology
Keywords dc.subject Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
Keywords dc.subject Condensed Matter Physics
Título dc.title Vibronic intensities in the electronic spectra of transition metal complex ions. part x. second order herzberg-teller contributions to the vibronic intensity of the 4A2g ↔ 4T2g transition in MnF 2- 6
Document type dc.type Artículo de revista
Cataloguer uchile.catalogador SCOPUS
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