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Author Alvarez, Osvaldo
Admission date 2018-12-20T14:41:23Z
Available date 2018-12-20T14:41:23Z
Publication date 1995
Cita de ítem dc.identifier.citation Journal of Neuroscience Methods, Volumen 63, Issue 1-2, 2018, Pages 61-65
Identifier dc.identifier.issn 01650270
Identifier dc.identifier.other 10.1016/0165-0270(95)00087-9
Identifier dc.identifier.uri
Abstract dc.description.abstract An interface to record analog signals from DC to 20 kHz on the stereo sound channels of video cassette recorders is described. This interface is an effective solution for the implementation of experiments requiring simultaneous recording of electrophysiological analog data, audio and video signals, since all these data are recorded on the same tape. The system requires the construction of a simple analog interface and minor modifications internal to the VCR, required to bypass non-linear elements present on the audio signal path. The particular solution used to adapt for Sony VCR model SLV-575UC is given in full detail. The general requirements the other VCR makes and models must fulfil to make the adaptation feasible and guidelines for the design of interfaces are discussed. © 1995.
Lenguage dc.language.iso en
Type of license dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
Link to License dc.rights.uri
Source dc.source Journal of Neuroscience Methods
Keywords dc.subject Analog recording
Keywords dc.subject Data storage
Keywords dc.subject FM recording
Keywords dc.subject Physiologic monitoring
Keywords dc.subject VCR
Keywords dc.subject Video cassette recorder
Keywords dc.subject Video recording
Título dc.title Simultaneous recording of analog signals, audio and video using a VCR
Document type dc.type Artículo de revista
Cataloguer uchile.catalogador SCOPUS
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uchile.cosecha uchile.cosecha SI
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