The periodic annual growth in diameter (CAP) is essential to study, plan or propose forest management strategies, and growth models are necessary to understand it. The aim of this work was to create a model to estimate CAP from diameter at breast height (DAP) for secondary forests of the Nothofagus obliqua according to their status at the beginning of the growth period, using DAP and the percentile of DAP inside the plot to which its belongs (Per) as predictors. The final model showed a linear relationship between CAP and the inverse of DAP (1/DAP) and with Per, resulting in higher growth rates in trees with lower DAP and higher Per. The variation explained by the variables reaches 51% of the total variation and with the root of the mean square error of 0.1152cm, resulting in a parsimonious model. The inclusion of the DAP percentile is a variable that significantly explains the annual growth in diameter.