Prevalence of Epilepsy in Children of Melipilla, Chile
Summary: The prevalence of epilepsy among children born in 1966 and reaching the age of 9 years during 1975 was investigated in Melipilla, Chile, using questions similar to those used by Rose et al. (1973). Of 2,104 potential respondents, 2,085 were interviewed. A sample of 593 children received neurological examination and 455 received an electroencephalogram. The prevalence rates for epilepsy were higher than those reported in two American studies using the same methodology. The possibility of socioeconomic factors to account for these differences was considered. Prevalence rates for simple febrile convulsions a“nd minimal brain dysfunction were similarly calculated. A fin d'obtenir une moyenne de fréquence d'épilep‐sie, un étude chez des enfants agés de neuf ans áéte fait en 1975 dans la ville de Melipilla, Chile. Le questionnaire utilise correspond au schema de Rose et col. (1973). 2,085 enfants ont ete enquetes. De ceux la, 593 et 455 ont subi des 6tude neurologiques et electroen‐
Artículo de publicación SCOPUS
DOI: 10.1111/j.1528-1157.1979.tb04803.x
ISSN: 15281167
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Epilepsia, Volumen 20, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 261-266