3D Spatial exploration by E. Coli echoes motor temporal variability
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Figueroa Morales, Nuris
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3D Spatial exploration by E. Coli echoes motor temporal variability
Unraveling bacterial strategies for spatial exploration is crucial for understanding the complexity in the organization of life. Bacterial motility determines the spatiotemporal structure of microbial and controls infection spreading and the microbiota organization in guts or in soils. Most theoretical approaches for modeling bacterial transport rely on their run-and-tumble motion. For Escherichia coli, the run-time distribution is reported to follow a Poisson process with a single characteristic time related to the rotational switching of the flagellar motors. However, direct measurements on flagellar motors show heavy-tailed distributions of rotation times stemming from the intrinsic noise in the chemotactic mechanism. Currently, there is no direct experimental evidence that the stochasticity in the chemotactic machinery affects the macroscopic motility of bacteria. In stark contrast with the accepted vision of run and tumble, here we report a large behavioral variability of wild-type E. coli, revealed in their three-dimensional trajectories. At short observation times, a large distribution of run times is measured on a population and attributed to the slow fluctuations of a signaling protein triggering the flagellar motor reversal. Over long times, individual bacteria undergo significant changes in motility. We demonstrate that such a large distribution of run times introduces measurement biases in most practical situations. Our results reconcile the notorious conundrum between run-time observations and motor-switching statistics. We finally propose that statistical modeling of transport properties, currently undertaken in the emerging framework of active matter studies, should be reconsidered under the scope of this large variability of motility features.
French National Research Agency (ANR): ANR-15-CE30-0013.
Franco-Chilean EcosSud Collaborative Program: C16E03.
Pierre-Gilles de Gennes Foundation.
ERC Consolidator Grant PaDyFlow: 682367.
Comision Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnologica (CONICYT), CONICYT FONDECYT: 1180791.
European Research Council (ERC): AdG 340877.
Joliot-Curie Chair from ESPCI.
Laboratoire International Associe "Matiere: Structure et dynamique" (LIA-MSD), CNRS-France.
French National Research Agency (ANR): ANR-10-EQPX-34.
Artículo de publicación ISI Artículo de publicación SCOPUS
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Physical Review X 10, 021004 (2020)
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