Is Biceps Femoris Aponeurosis Size an Independent Risk Factor for Strain Injury?

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Freitas, Sandro R.
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Is Biceps Femoris Aponeurosis Size an Independent Risk Factor for Strain Injury?
This study examined whether professional footballers with previous biceps femoris long head (BF (LH) ) injury in the last 3-years present a smaller proximal aponeurosis (Apo-BF (LH) ) size compared to footballers with no previous injury. We examined the Apo-BF (LH) and BF (LH) size using magnetic resonance imaging and tested the knee flexor maximal isometric strength in 80 thighs of 40 footballers. Apo-BF (LH) size parameters were processed using a semi-automated procedure. Outcomes were compared between thighs with (n=9) vs. without (n=71) previous BF (LH) injury. No differences were observed between injured and non-injured thighs for the Apo-BF (LH) and BF (LH) size parameters (p>0.05) except for Apo-BF (LH) volume, which was higher in the non-injured thighs of athletes with previous injury (3692.1 +/- 2638.4 mm3, p<0.006) compared to the left (2274.1<plus/minus>798.7 mm3) thighs of athletes without previous injury. A higher knee flexor isometric strength was observed in the injured limb of athletes with previous BF (LH) injury (196.5 +/- 31.9 Nm, p<0.003) compared to the left (156.2<plus/minus>31.4 Nm) and right (160.0 +/- 31.4 Nm) thighs of non-injured athletes. The present results suggest that BF (LH) proximal aponeurosis size should not be considered as an independent risk factor for strain injury.
Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology PTDC/SAU-DES/31497/2017 Foundation for Science and Technology within the RD 447 unit UID/DTP/00447/2019 Comision Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnologica (CONICYT) CONICYT FONDECYT 11161033 FONDEQUIP EQM140119 ICM P09-015-F Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) 57220037 57168868
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International Journal of Sports Medicine Volumen: 41 Número: 8 Páginas: 552-557 Jul 2020