Recepción de la Araucana en España y Europa: nacionalismo literario, canon y migración

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Subercaseaux Sommerhoff, Bernardo
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Recepción de la Araucana en España y Europa: nacionalismo literario, canon y migración
The article aims to study the context of production and reception of the poem La Araucana. This, by considering editorial facts and literary historiography both in Spain and the rest of Europe. It also reviews the nationalistic approach, the literary canonization process, and the possibility of migration from one canon to another. Taking this into account, the articles argues for the double inscription of the poem in terms of national and literary identity. the article aims to study the context of
production and reception of the poem La Araucana. This,
by considering editorial facts and literary historiography
both in Spain and the rest of Europe. It also reviews the
nationalistic approach, the literary canonization process,
and the possibility of migration from one canon to
another. Taking this into account, the articles argues for
the double inscription of the poem in terms of national
and literary identity.
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UNIVERSUM · Vol. 35 · N° 1 · 2020
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