Chen and Chvatal's conjecture in tournaments

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In this work we present a version of the so called Chen and Chv´atal’s
conjecture for directed graphs. A line of a directed graph D is defined by
an ordered pair (u, v), with u and v two distinct vertices of D, as the set
of all vertices w such that u, v, w belong to a shortest directed path in D
containing a shortest directed path from u to v.
A line is empty if there is no directed path from u to v. Another
option is that a line is the set of all vertices. The version of the Chen and
Chv´atal’s conjecture we study states that if none of previous options hold,
then the number of distinct lines in D is at least its number of vertices.
Our main result is that any tournament satisfies this conjecture as well
as any orientation of a complete bipartite graph of diameter three.
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European Journal of Combinatorics Volume 97 Article Number 103374 Oct 2021
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