Síntesis de nanoesponjas de β-Ciclodextrina y la interacción con nanopartículas de oro como sistema transportador de fármacos
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Yutronic Saéz, Nicolás Ignacio
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Síntesis de nanoesponjas de β-Ciclodextrina y la interacción con nanopartículas de oro como sistema transportador de fármacos
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En la prcecntc investigación se ha estudiado el proceso de inclusión de dos moléculas de interés farmaceutico en nanoesponjas de B-ciclodextrina (NS), y la interacción de estos sistemas con nanopartículas de oro (NPsAu). In the prescnt rcscarch the process of inclusion of two moleculcs of phannaceutical interest il.r
nanosponges of fl-cyclodextrin (NS), a¡d thc interaction of these systcn'ls with gold nanoparticles
(NPsAu) havc bccn studicd.
Trvo svnthcsis urctllods wcrc cr,rlu¡tcd fbr [-cyclodcxtriu (pCD) and diphcnylcarbonatc (DPC) as
bridgc molccules for the formation of NS. h¡ the first method. an ultrasonic bath rvas used at
constant tclnpcraturc and tlrc sccond mcthod consistcd ofusing agitation and constant tcrnpcraturc
ln a lxngnctic platc, both stratcgics wcrc canicd out in thc abscncc of liquid solvcnts. Once thc NS
were obtained in thc multiple cavities formcd by the [iCD buckets and the interstitial spaces
oliginrtctl by the DPC bridges, host tlrugs possessing an aro¡nátic ring in their structure were
includcd. For thc inclusions trvo nrcthods wcrc uscd. onc classical of saturatcd solutions and
another that involves the dissolutioll of NS in sodiuur hyd¡oxideBoth host-acting molcculos ¡lso lrave functional gror,rps in th€ir structure thnt remain exposed to
the mottix opcnings, so it wts possitrle to stabilize NPsAu on the surface of dre inclusion
compound. Thc synthcsis of the NPsAu was cartied out by a chcnrical tnethod. based on dre
reduction ofAur' in aqueous solution.
The charucterization of the clifl'erent systerns *o, perfo.rr"d through ptoton uuclear magnetic
rcson&nce spectroscopy, therrrogravimetric analysi§, uv-Vis spectrophotometry, infrared
spectroscop),, scanning clcctron microscopy, translris§ion clectroil nlicroscopy. Z-potential and
dynamic light scattering (DLS).
Thc NS increased the inclusion ofthe drugs with respect to the usc of the native [}CD as matrix,
giving adcquate systcms tbr the stabilization ofNPsAu, which could expand its applications in
thc ficld ofdrug dclivcry.
Tesis para optar al grado de Magister en Ciencias Química.
URI: https://repositorio.uchile.cl/handle/2250/187520
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