Estudio de antecedentes y formulación de propuesta para la adecuación de la norma secundaria de anhídrido sulfuroso -SO2
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Balocchi Velastin, Hugo
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Estudio de antecedentes y formulación de propuesta para la adecuación de la norma secundaria de anhídrido sulfuroso -SO2
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Debido a los efectos del SO2 se han generado normativas de calidad del aire,
normal primarias que se preocupan de proteger la salud de las personas y normas
secundarias, que se preocupan de proteger la flora y fauna, fijando valores limites de
concentración de este contaminante en d aire durante un período determinado
En Chile la norma secundaria que protege la flora y fauna no posee la
sustentación científica necesaria, y no considera la realidad actual en cuanto a la
calidad del aire en las zonas circundante de donde se generan tales emisiones,
posterior a h implementación de los planes de descontaminación,
Este estudio tuvo por objetivo obtener, recopilar y evaluar la mayor cantidad de
información científica que puedan avalar, de la mejor forma posible, una revisión de la
noma secundaria vigente en nuestro pais, considerando h realidad existente en la
Fundición y Refinería Ventanas de ENAMl.
Es de gran importancia a la hora de fijar una norma, considerar los antecedentes
de normativa aplicadas en otros países, corno USA gue siendo el principal competidor
de Chile en la produccién de cobre, posee una norma secundaria m& flexible,
comparada con la aplicada en nuestro país. Otro factor de importancia, es el
mejoramiento de la calidad del aire por SO2 en la zona circundante a la Fundición y
Refinería Ventanas, con respecto a los valores existentes cuando se aprobó la norma
vigente. Due to the effects of the SOz , so mudr in the trealth of people l¡ke h the flora and
faun, primary and secondary norm of quality of the air arise that seek to d¡m¡n¡sh sucfi
effeds, fix¡ng for this pollutants, value concentrat¡on l¡mits in the air during a certain
ln Chile the Secondary Nom thd prutéds the wíldlife resourcss, it does noi
posse6s the necessary sustentation, and il does not consider the reality existent these
days, a for lhe quafity of lhe air in the sunounding aÉ¿¡s where such emissions are
The purpose d this study ¡s getting and tBsüng the most informáion to be able to
guarantee the lwision of the cunent secondary standard for our country, considedng
the existing condilions in Ventanas Smelting and Refinery {E¡.IAMI).
ln order lo define a norm, it is of great importánce to also consider the norms
applM ín other counkies like in LlSA, thá be¡ng the ma¡n compet'rtor of Ch¡le in the
copper produdbn, it possesses a most flexible norm thá the applied in our oounlry.
with regard to the execrdion of the effedive norm, an ¡mportant fac*or üo consider is lhe
air qudi§, as for the existent presence d so2 in the surrourding area of the Fundición
B*ed on air quality study in Ventánas smelting and Refinery, the monitoring
station shor¡ved the standards and criteria have decreased in looo/o considerably.
since, the impbmentation of a plan for avciding the polluting. occ¡rÍing an exceeding
of a diary secondary Sandard in only 4 ümes in los Maitenes stiation during 2004" The
diary secondary standard was exceeded in 4 times during 2OO1" and the annua¡
standard hasnl exceeded ¡n any years of these studies. (2001 -2004)
The existing of weather phenornenon such as: temperature inversion,
antLldone, landscape effects, they produce an exceeding ¡n values of edr events. lt
is impo€§ible to be in cor*rol of the operá¡on- And it guarantee the fulfill c{¡rrent
s*andardsThe s{udy carid olrl together with the Un¡vers¡dad de Playa Ancfia (UPLA) to
arboreal species and arbustivas, of the sunounding alea lo the Fundición Venlanas, de
ENAMI, it did not detect ev¡denes of morphologic and ultra s{ructure changes, in none
of the analyzed spec¡es. Only in Pahui, chlo¡osis was ob*rved in the leaves being this,
a úequent phenomenon in the species and ¡ndependent of the place of gr&dh. ln
wilbw" of the Humedal de Campiche, the chbroplastes presents a not very defined
slruciure, allhough it is nd possible to establish an explanalinn of the phenomenon a
we can say the pcsible effects, in the rcsourG wi¡dlife in the suround¡ng area
to the Fundicirin Ventanas de E¡,¡AMI, they can be historical, that is to say, product of
the emiss'nns canied out before the pbns enüronmer¡tal existent these days, where
the quality of the air was not evaluated for this pollutant.
These studies done, considering all above reasons it rvould be better to keep
annual standard at 80 ilg/m3N. ln accordance with the diary s{andard it could be equal
to primary standard, thá is to say, to decrease at 365 pg/m3N to 250 t¡g/m3N and for
hour sfiandard- ft \ifas pmmulgated two alternal¡ves: to keep standard á l-O0O Fg/m3N
with ¡emonable percent, aprox. 99,596, that is to say 44 hours, or set the same
standard in USA, 1.300 yg/m3N on average of 3 hours with reconable percent, aprox.
99,8% thá is to say 22 hours,
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