Efectos directos e indirectos del cobre en una comunidad limnica experimental

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Ramos Jiliberto, Rodrigo
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Efectos directos e indirectos del cobre en una comunidad limnica experimental
Professor Advisor
Pollutants are able to aflect species u,ilhir.r a comt¡t¡titv not onlr dircctll. but also
through indircct paths. Indjrcct el'fects takc place uncler a Irrtltispecies context. \\hen
orsanisr.l.rs are aftcctecl thror-Lqli the ctfects that pollut:urls c\crt on other specics fhat are
ecologicalll, related to thc fbrmers. [Jsually. the net effccts of pollutanl are assessed
r.r ithoul considering thc contlibution ol'indirect effects. ul.ricl.r could enhance. diminish
or cancel out dircct cltects. T'he aim of this studl is to comparati\ el)- assess the direction
and magnitudc o1'direcl and indirect efiects of coppcr on the cornponents of an
experirnental plar.rktor.ric asscmblage. Specifically- rve elaluated tlre efl'ects of coppcr on
tlre population gro\\1h rate of thc hcrbivores Daphniu untbiguu antl ('criotlu¡úniu dubiu
and tlre nricroalgae Pseutlt¡kirchneriellct .subt'u¡titttu and ('hlorclla rulgu'i.s.
Additionall¡. rlc dccomposecl the ell-ects i¡n herbivr¡res into partial eflécts on their birth
ar.rd death ratcs. lndircct ct1ects on microalgae. on the rlher hand. uel'e decomposed into
parlial indircct cfI'ccts translnittcd b¡ cach component spccics of thc asscmblagc. Los contaminantes son capaces de afectar a las especies de una comunidad no solo directamente, sino que también a través de varias indirectas, los efectos indirectos ocurren bajo contexto multiespecifico, cuando los organismos son efecto que los contaminantes ejercen sobre otras especies que están ecológicamente relacionadas con las primeras
agradezco a FONDECYT por presrar apoyo financiero a través del proyecto 1090132 a
cargo de R. Ramos-jiliberto
URI: https://repositorio.uchile.cl/handle/2250/188743
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