“Guest workers and native voting behaviour : a dutch case”

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Pino Emhart, Francisco
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“Guest workers and native voting behaviour : a dutch case”
Professor Advisor
With labour shortage problems on the political agenda, the recruitment of labour migrants is a lively political
debate in the Netherlands at the moment. Leftists, rightists, liberals, and socialists, they all have different
conceptions whether migrants are welcome, necessary, or unwanted.
“The Netherlands needs labour migrants” - Klaas Dijkhoff (9 December, 2022).
This quote comes from the former party chairman of the Dutch liberal party. In 2023, the question arose in
Dutch politics as to whether guest workers are desirable to fill the gap caused by the labour shortage.
Political parties are divided: the liberal party and the Christian Democrats only desire foreign guest workers,
not economic refugees, while the labour party takes the view that the Netherlands should be an open country
that facilitates the welcoming of foreigners. There are also anti-immigration parties who oppose all
foreigners. This debate was also present in the 1960s, with the only difference being that the flow of refugees
was considerably smaller, and only guest workers were a point of discussion. It is relevant to examine the
effects of the 1960s on voting behaviour and the mechanisms through which migration influenced political
preferences because this debate continues to persist.
The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of migration on the voting behaviour of natives. This
thesis will research the Netherlands for several reasons. Firstly, this case is largely unexplored. Secondly,
the availability of very detailed data encourages a deeper dive into the Netherlands specifically. Lastly, this
case is interesting because some say this time period of investigation is the starting point of the
multiculturalization of the Netherlands.
In this thesis, I investigate the effect of the ratio of migrants in a municipality on the vote shares of the
three major political parties in the 1960s. By employing instrumental variable regression, I address potential
endogeneity problems. Furthermore, the novelty of this study lies in the carefully developed dataset, which
includes socio-economic variables retrieved from census data and voting results of the Netherlands, all at
the municipality level.
The contribution of this thesis in the research area of political economics is three folded. Firstly, it adds
an extensive dataset to the literature, which includes digitised census data, merged with election data, and
migration statistics data. Secondly, it develops a new instrumental variable approach in the field of
migration, which includes regional specialisation as a determinant. Thirdly, it sheds light on the Dutch
political landscape, and shows how the Netherlands became a more diversified country.
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: In section II, I present the literature review. In
section III, I briefly discuss the political landscape in the 60s in the Netherlands. Furthermore, I will develop
my hypothesis in section IV. In section V, I present the data and methodology, including the instrumental
variable approach. In section VI, I present the empirical results, after which I will discuss the possible
channels behind my findings in section VII, and in section VIII, I will conclude my study
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