Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Chávez Bahamondez, Camila Alejandra (Universidad de Chile, 2024)
      El cultivo de sauce mimbre (Salix viminalis), utilizado en Chile para la elaboración artesanal, prospera en climas templados fríos, en zonas cercanas a fuentes de agua. Aunque abunda la literatura sobre su potencial ...
    • Espinoza Meza, Sergio Enrique; Yáñez Arce, Marco Aliro; Magni Díaz, Carlos Renato; Martínez Herrera, Eduardo Enrique; Ovalle Ortega, Juan Francisco; Vaswani Miranda, Suraj Antonio (Univ Sao Paolo, Brazil, 2021)
      Intensification of drought in Mediterranean–type climates has limited seedling establishment. The knowledge of the ecology of selected species and its intraspecific variation to water stress at the seedling stage should ...
    • Espinoza, Sergio E.; Yáñez, Marco A.; Martínez Herrera, Eduardo Enrique; Carrasco Benavides, Marcos Rodrigo; Vaswani Miranda, Suraj Antonio; Gajardo, John; Magni Díaz, Carlos Renato (Nature, 2021)
      Forest restoration have had limited success due to intense and prolonged droughts in Mediterraneantype ecosystems. In this context, knowledge of growth and physiology in seedlings of different provenances can be useful ...
    • Peña Rojas, Karen; Donoso Calderon, Sergio; Pacheco, Cristian; Riquelme, Alejandro; Gangas, Rodrigo; Guajardo, Antonella; Durán, Sergio (Universidad Austral Chile, 2018)
      Lithraea caustica (litre) is an endemic tree species of Chile that grows in a Mediterranean climate, characterized by a summer with low water availability in the soil, high solar radiation and high temperatures. In these ...
    • Muñoz, Ariel A.; Klock Barría, Karin; Alvarez Garretón, Camila; Aguilera Betti, Isabella; González Reyes, Álvaro; Lastra, José A.; Chávez, Roberto O.; Barría Sandoval, Pilar; Christie, Duncan; Rojas Badilla, Moisés; LeQuesne, Carlos (MDPI, 2020)
      Since 2010, Chile has experienced one of the most severe droughts over the last century, the so-called mega-drought (MD). The MD conditions, combined with intensive agricultural activities and the current water management ...