Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Larrazábal Fuentes, María José; Fernández Galleguillos, Carlos; Palma Ramírez, Jenifer; Romero Parra, Javier Hernán; Sepúlveda, Kevin; Galetovic, Alexandra; González, Jorge; Paredes, Adrián; Bórquez, Jorge; Simirgiotis, Mario J.; Echeverría, Javier (Frontiers Media, 2020)
      Artemisia copa Phil. (Asteraceae) (known as copa-copa) is a native species of Chile used as an infusion in traditional medicine by Atacamenos people in the Altiplano, highlands of northern Chile. In this research, we have ...
    • Jiménez-González, Andrea; Quispe, Cristina; Bórquez, Jorge; Sepúlveda, Beatriz; Riveros, Felipe; Areche, Carlos; Nagles, Edgar; García Beltrán, Olimpo; Simirgiotis, Mario J. (Taylor & Francis, 2018)
      UHPLC/ESI/MS identification of organic compounds is the first step in the majority of screening techniques for the characterization of biologically active metabolites in natural sources. This paper describes a method for ...