Now showing items 1-1 of 1

    • Brägelmann, Johannes; Barahona Ponce, Carol Mariom; Marcelain Cubillos, Katherine Jenny; Roessler, Stephanie; Goeppert, Benjamín; Gallegos, Iván; Colombo, Alicia; Sanhueza, Verónica; Morales, Erik; Rivera, María Teresa; Toro, Gonzalo de; Ortega, Alejandro; Müller, Bettina; Gabler, Fernando; Scherer, Dominique; Waldenberger, Melanie; Reischl, Eva; Boekstegers, Félix; Garate Calderón, Valentina; Umu, Sinan U.; Rounge, Trine B.; Popanda, Odilia; Bermejo, Justo Lorenzo (Wiley, 2021)
      BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Gallbladder cancer (GBC) is a highly aggressive malignancy of the biliary tract. Most cases of GBC are diagnosed in low-income and middle-income countries, and research into this disease has long ...