Now showing items 1785-1804 of 2801

    • Diaz, C.; Platoni, S.; Molina, A.; Valenzuela, M. L.; Geaney, H.; O'Dwyer, C. (American Scientific Publishers, 2014)
      © 2014 American Scientific Publishers.Solid-state sensor nanostructured materials (SnO2, ZnO and CeO2) have been prepared by pyrolysis of macromolecular complexes: PSP-co-4-PVP · (SnCl2)n, PSP-co-4-PVP · (ZnCl2)nand ...
    • Fernández Oyarzún, Paulina Alejandra; Zabner Espinoza, Marcela Estefanía; Ortega Berríos, Jaime Ignacio; Morgado Ruiz, Constanza Patricia; Amaya Inzunza, Fernando Andrés; Vera Sánchez, Gabriel Alberto; Rubilar Leyton, Carolina Andrea; Salas Valenzuela, Beatriz Elizabeth; Cuevas, Víctor; Valenzuela Montenegro, Camila; Baisón Olmo, Fernando; Álvarez Armijo, Sergio Aníbal; Santiviago Cid, Carlos Alberto (MDPI, 2021)
      The type III secretion systems (T3SS) encoded in pathogenicity islands SPI-1 and SPI-2 are key virulence factors of Salmonella. These systems translocate proteins known as effectors into eukaryotic cells during infection. ...
    • Kerr, Bredford; García Rudaz, Cecilia; Dorfman, Mauricio; Paredes, Alfonso; Ojeda, Sergio R. (2009)
      Recent studies have demonstrated that neurotrophins (NTs) and their NTRK tyrosine kinase receptors, thought to be exclusively required for the development of the nervous system, are also involved in controlling ovarian ...
    • Seelenfreund Hirsch, Daniela; Lobos, S.; Durruty Alfonso, Pilar (Sociedad Chilena de Endocrinología y Diabetes, 2008)
      This review describes the advances in the knowledge about the genetic aspects of common chronic complications of diabetes with prognostic significance, such as diabetic nephropathy and cardiovascular diseases. It is well ...
    • Vega-Gálvez, Antonio; Miranda, Margarita; Vergara, Judith; Uribe, Elsa; Puente, Luis; Martínez, Enrique (2010)
      Quinoa, Chenopodium quinoa Willd., is an Amaranthacean, stress-tolerant plant cultivated along the Andes for the last 7000 years, challenging highly different environmental conditions ranging from Bolivia, up to 4.500 m ...
    • Benavides, S.; Reano, G.; Zúñiga, R. N.; Castillo, O.; Vásquez, F.; Pérez, F.; Mariotti Celis, M. S. (Karger, 2020)
      Defatted peanut flour was texturized in a Wenger X‐25 extruder at 25.1% moisture content and 140°C product temperature. Texturization did not have any significant effect on the amino acid pattern nor on the PER of defatted ...
    • Silva Valenzuela, Cecilia; Velásquez, Felipe; Peñailillo, Johany; Garcías Papayani, H éctor; Fernández, Paulina; Tobar, Pía; Contreras, Inés; Santiviago Cid, Carlos; Álvarez Armijo, Sergio (Elsevier, 2016)
      Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) consists of three covalently linked domains: the lipid A, the core region and the O antigen (OAg), consisting of repeats of an oligosaccharide. Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis (S. Enteritidis) ...
    • Bittner, Mauricio; Saldías, Soledad; Estévez, C.; Zaldívar San Román, María Mercedes; Marolda, Cristina; Valvano, Miguel A.; Contreras, Inés (SOC GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY, 2002-12)
      The authors previously reported increased expression of the Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (S. typhi) rfaH gene when the bacterial cells reach stationary phase. In this study, using a lacZ fusion to the rfaH promoter ...
    • Carter Jaña, Javier Antonio; Blondel, Carlos; Zaldívar San Román, María Mercedes; Álvarez Armijo, Sergio Aníbal; Marolda, Cristina L.; Valvano, Miguel A.; Contreras, Inés (SOC GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY, 2007-10)
      Shigella flexneri 2a 2457T produces lipopolysaccharide (LIPS) with two O-antigen (OAg) chain lengths: a short (S-OAg) controlled by WzzB and a very long (VL-OAg) determined by Wzz(pHS-2). This study demonstrates that the ...
    • Diaz, Eloisa (Sociedad Chilena de Quimica, 1999)
      The EPR spectra of a series of mononuclear complexes [CpFe(dppe)SR]PF6 R = C6H5 (1), C3H7 (2), p-C6H4Br (3) and the binuclear [CpFe(dppe)-S-CH2CH2-S-CpFe(dppe)](PF6) 2 (4) were measured. All the paramagnetic complexes ...
    • Huillet, Thierry; Martínez Aguilera, Servet (Springer, 2013)
      Estimating the number n of unseen species from a k-sample displaying only p ≤ k distinct sampled species has received attention for long. It requires a model of species abundance together with a sampling model. We start ...
    • Carrizo, Carla N.; Pitta Alvarez, Sandra I.; Kogan Bocian, Marcelo; Giulietti, Ana M.; Tomaro, María L. (PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2001-07)
      The polyamine, cadaverine, was detected in transformed root cultures of Brugmansia candida (syn. Datuira candida), a Solanaceae which produces the tropane alkaloids scopolamine and hyoscyamine. To the best of our knowledge, ...
    • Chiong Lay, Mario; Lavandero González, Sergio; Ramos, Rodrigo; Aguillón Gutiérrez, Juan Carlos; Ferreira, Arturo (1991)
      Immunoaffinity chromatography involves binding of an antigen or antibody to a solid matrix, usually agarose, frequently using the cyanogen bromide method. These methods are laborious, rather expensive, and their use has ...
    • Pedreschi, Franco; Cocio, Claudia; Moyano, Pedro; Troncoso, Elizabeth (ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 2008-07)
      The objective of this research was to study the kinetics of oil absorption and distribution in the structure of potato slices during frying, considering the effects of three oil temperatures and a blanching pre-treatment. ...
    • Argandoña, Victor H.; Faini, Francesca (1993)
      The concentration of the triterpene oleanolic acid in leaves of Baccharis linearis varies at different stages of plant growth from 1.9 to 3.0 g kg-1 fr. wt. Larvae of Heliothis zea, starved with 1.4 mg of oleanolic acid ...
    • González, J. C.; García, S. I.; Bellú, Sebastián; Atria Salas, Ana María; Salas Pelegrin, Juan Manuel; Rockenbauer, A.; Korecz, L.; Signorella, Sandra; Sala, Luis F. (PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2009-09-02)
      Selective oxidation of galacturonic residues of oligo and polyuronic acids by Cr-VI affords CO2/HCO2H, oxidized uronic acid, and Cr-III as final redox products. Kinetic studies show that the redox reaction proceeds through ...
    • Bolaños, Karen; Sánchez Navarro, Macarena; Tapia Arellano, Andreas; Giralt, Ernest; Kogan, Marcelo Javier; Araya, Eyleen (MDPI, 2021)
      Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) have been shown to be outstanding tools for drug delivery and biomedical applications, mainly owing to their colloidal stability, surface chemistry, and photothermal properties. The biocompatibility ...
    • Urzúa, Catalina; Prado González, Estefanía; Dueik, Verónica; Bouchon, Pedro; Giménez, Begoña; Robert Canales, Paz (Institution of Chemical Engineers, 2017)
      Olive leaves extract (OLE) was microencapsulated with inulin (OLE-IN) by spray-drying using a central composite design. Oleuropein encapsulation efficiency and recovery values were over 87% in the OLE-IN microparticles ...
    • Soto Andrade, Jorge; Yáñez Valdés, María Francisca (2014)
      We show that the Gel’fand character χG of a finite group G (i.e. the sum of all irreducible complex characters of G ) may be realized as a “ twisted trace” g 7→ T r(ρg ◦ T ) for a suitable involutive linear automorphism ...