Now showing items 764-783 of 2801

    • Núñez Vergara, Luis; Pardo Jiménez, V; Barrientos, C.; Olea Azar, Claudio; Navarrete-Encina, P. A.; Squella Serrano, Juan (2012)
      In this study, two series of dihydropyridine-fused and pyridine-fused coumarins were synthesised and electrochemically characterised in aprotic medium. In both series, the most easily reducible groups were the endocyclic ...
    • Aguilera S., S. María; Borie B., Gilda; Peirano V., Pedro (Universidad de la Frontera. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, 1999)
      La dinámica del carbono se evaluó en suelos con problemas de acidificación y de alto contenido de Al activo. En estos estudios, además se incluyen los resultados obtenidos en sistemas de cero-labranza, para definir en ...
    • Nuñez, Carolina; Morales, Nicole; García Beltrán, Olimpo; Mascayano, Carolina; Fierro, Angelica (Birkhauser Boston, 2017)
      The mechanisms of action and structural determinants of lipoxygenases inhibitors have been explored on several occasions, but many questions remain unanswered, especially about the differences of the inhibition mechanisms ...
    • Atria Salas, Ana María; Moreno N., Yanko; Spodine Spiridonova, Evgenia; Garland, María Teresa; Baggio, Ricardo (ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA, 2002-06-27)
      A Cu(II)-Gd(III) heteronuclear complex with N,N'-ethylene-bis-5-methoxy salicylaldiimine (ems) as ligand has been synthesized. The complex crystallizes in the monoclinic system C2/c space group. The structure consists of ...
    • Primo, Emiliano N.; Cañete Rosales, Paulina; Bollo Dragnic, Soledad; Rubianes, María D.; Rivas, Gustavo A. (2013)
      We report for the first time the use of double stranded calf-thymus DNA (dsDNA) to successfully disperse bamboo-like multi-walled carbon nanotubes (bCNT). The dispersion and the modified electrodes were studied by different ...
    • Arancibia, Aquiles; Chávez Arrué, Jorge; Ibarra, R.; Ruiz, I.; Icarte, A.; Thambo Becker, Sergio; Chávez, H. (Dustri-Verlag Dr. Karl Feistle, 1987)
      Dibekacin pharmacokinetics was studied in ten healthy volunteers and six patients with renal failure presenting Clcr<10ml.min-1 per 1.73m2 of body surface, given as a low intravenous bolus to the volunteers and as 30-minute ...
    • Arancibia, Aquiles; Baillarie, D.; Bravo, M.; Chávez Arrué, Jorge (Dustri-Verlag Dr Karl Feistle, 1995-11)
      Dibekacin pharmcokinetics was studied in 3 healthy volunteers, 5 patients with renal failure presenting Cl-cr, between 4.0 and 67 ml min (-1) per 1.73 m(2) of body surface and 5 anephric patients given as a 30 minute ...
    • Sapag, Amalia; Vartikar, J. V.; Draper, D. E. (Elsevier Science Publishers B. V., 1990)
      The ribosomal protein S4 from Escherichia coli is essential for initiation of assembly of 30S ribosomal subunits. We have undertaken the identification of specific features required in the 16S rRNA for S4 recognition by ...
    • Velasco-De-Paola, M. V.R.; Santoro, M. I.R.M.; Gai, M. N. (Marcel Dekker Inc., 1999)
      In the present research, controlled-release propranolol hydrochloride tablets were prepared for twice-daily administration, allowing more uniform plasmatic levels of the drug. Pharmaceutical formulations were prepared with ...
    • Montiel, C.; Mendoza, I.; García, C. J.; Awad, Y.; García Olivares, J.; Solís Garrido, L. M.; Lara Peñaloza, Hernán; García, A. G.; Cárdenas, A. M. (WILEY-LISS, DIV JOHN WILEY & SONS INC, 2003-02-01)
      The contribution of distinct Ca2+-sensitive protein kinases to the regulation of the expression of the synaptosomal-associated protein SNAP-25 was examined in bovine chromaffin cells. Prolonged incubation with high K+ (38 ...
    • Latorre, R.; Costamagna, J.; Frank, E.; Abeledo, C.; Frankel, R. (1979)
      Mössbauer spectroscopy as a function of temperature of Fe(II)(N,N′-dicyclohexyl-thiourea)6(ClO4)2(FeDCTU) shows the existence of two isomeric forms A and B which coexist in the temperature range 200 < T < 300 K. The relative ...
    • Borie B., Gilda; Peirano V., Pedro; Espinoza González, Jeannette; Zunino Venegas, Hugo; Aguilera S., S. María (Sociedad Chilena de la Ciencia del Suelo, 2000)
      Universalmente se hace necesario y urgente implementar políticas de uso de residuos orgánicos en los suelos, tanto por la necesidad de disponer de estos residuos, como también por la necesidad apremiante de recuperar el ...
    • Campos, Ana M.; Cárcamo, Carlos; Silva, Eduardo; García, Sandra; Lemp Miranda, Else; Alarcón, Emilio; Edwards, Ana María; Günther Sapunar, Germán; Lissi Gervaso, Eduardo A. (ELSEVIER, 2008-01-30)
      The distribution of urocanic acid (UCA) isomers between aqueous solutions and n-octanol, egg yolk phosphatidylcholine (eggPC) liposomes or bovine serum albumin (BSA) has been evaluated. Regarding its partitioning between ...
    • Moncada, Ximena; Payacán, Claudia; Arriaza, Francisco; Lobos Camus, Sergio; Seelenfreund Hirsch, Daniela; Seelenfreund, Andrea (2013)
      Background: Paper mulberry has been used for thousands of years in Asia and Oceania for making paper and bark-cloth, respectively. Museums around the world hold valuable collections of Polynesian bark-cloth. Genetic ...
    • Manubens, Augusto; Lobos, S.; Jadue, Yael; Toro, Manuel; Messina, Rosa; Lladser Prado, Manuel; Seelenfreund Hirsch, Daniela (Kluwr Academic Publisher, 1999)
      Traditional identification of peach and nectarine varieties relies on the assessment of agronomic traits of the adult plant. This leads to a significant delay of time, constraints to breeders in the surveillance of germplasm ...
    • Paredes, Aaron J.; Alfaro Valdés, Hilda M.; Wilson Moya, Christian (Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2018)
      DNA staining methods are very important for biomedical research. We designed a simple method that allows DNA visualization to the naked eye by the formation of a colored precipitate. It works by soaking the acrylamide or ...
    • Molina Quiroz, Roberto C.; Loyola, David E.; Muñoz Villagrán, Claudia; Quatrini, Raquel; Vásquez, Claudio C.; Pérez Donoso, José (PLoS ONE 8(11): e79499, 2013)
      The constant emergence of antibiotic multi-resistant pathogens is a concern worldwide. An alternative for bacterial treatment using nM concentrations of tellurite was recently proposed to boost antibiotic-toxicity and a ...
    • Heredia Moya, Jorge; Krohn, Karsten; Florke, Ulrich; Pessoa Mahana, Hernán; Weiss López, Boris; Estévez, A.; Araya Maturana, Ramiro (PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2007-06-01)
      E)-Ethyl 3-(4-oxo-4H-chromen-3-yi)acrylate (3), (E)-3-(4-oxo-4H-chromen-3-yl)-2-propenenitrile (12) and their 5-hydroxy-derivatives 11 and 13 undergo alternative, solvent dependent, domino reactions with ethyl vinyl ether. ...
    • Saller, Sabine; Kunz, L.; Berg, D.; Berg, U.; Lara Peñaloza, Hernán; Urra, J.; Hecht, S.; Pavlik, R.; Thaler, C.J.; Mayerhofer, A. (Oxford University Press, 2014)
      studyquestion: Is the neurotransmitter dopamine (DA) in the human ovary involved in the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS)? summary answer: Human ovarian follicular fluid contains DA, which causes the generation ...
    • Paris Pizarro, Irmgard; Martínez Alvarado, P.; Cárdenas, S.; Pérez Pastene, C.; Graumann, Rebecca; Fuentes, P.; Olea Azar, Claudio; Caviedes Fernández, Pablo; Segura Aguilar, Juan (AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2005-03)
      We report a new and specific mechanism for iron-mediated neurotoxicity using RCHT cells, which were derived from rat hypothalamus. RCHT cells exhibit immunofluorescent-positive markers for dopamine beta-hydroxylase and the ...