Now showing items 1-11 of 11

    • Kramer Strenger, Susanne Marie; Lucas, James; Gamboa Arellano, Francisca; Penarrocha, Diago, Miguel; Penarrocha Oltra, David; Guzmán Letelier, Marcelo; Paul, Sanchit; Molina, Gustavo; Sepúlveda Vega, Lorena; Araya Cabello, Ignacio; Soto Galaz, Rubén; Arriagada Vargas, Carolina; Lucky, Anne W.; Mellerio, Jemima E.; Cornwall, Roger; Alsayer, Fatimah; Schilke, Reinhard; Antal, Mark Adam; Castrillón, Fernanda; Paredes, Camila; Serrano, María Concepción; Clark, Victoria (Wiley, 2020)
      Background: Inherited epidermolysis bullosa (EB) is a genetic disorder characterized by skin fragility and unique oral features. Aims: To provide (a) a complete review of the oral manifestations in those living with ...
    • Sanz, Antonio; Oyarzün, Alejandro; Farias, Daniel; Diaz, Ivan (2001)
      This study examines a new surface treatment that uses coarse calcium phosphate, which provides the benefits of surface roughening without introducing any foreign materials that may become imbedded in the implants. It is ...
    • Verdugo Avello, Francisco; González, Edgardo; Pedemonte, Christian; Vargas, Ilich (Ediciones Ergon SA, 2014)
      Objetivo El objetivo de este estudio fue ver la prevalencia y la evolución del tratamiento en las fracturas radiculares en pacientes adultos laboralmente activos que sufrieron un trauma dentoalveolar y presentar un protocolo ...
    • Parra, Marcelo; Atala Acevedo, Claudia; Fariña Sirandoni, Rodrigo; Haidar, Ziyad S.; Zaror, Carlos; Olate, Sergio (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2017)
      Purpose: The aim was to determine the survival rate of dental implants installed in the posterior region of the maxilla after a graftless maxillary sinus lift via the lateral window approach and to identify the factors ...
    • Alarcón, Marco Antonio; Sanz Sánchez, Ignacio; López Pacheco, Andrea; Tavelli, Lorenzo; Galarraga Vinueza, María Elisa; Schwarz, Frank; Romanelli, Hugo; Peredo, Luis; Mendes Pannuti, claudio; Javer Manzur, Enrique Gabriel; Vieira, Andrés Felipe; Montealegre, Mauricio; Galindo, Roberto; Umanzor, Vilma; Treviño, Alejandro; Fretes Wood, Patricia; Cisneros, Marissa; Collins, James R.; Bueno, Luis; Gimenéz, Xiomara; Málaga Figueroa, Lilian; Sanz, Mariano (Wiley, 2021)
      Background: The social diversity, heterogeneous culture, and inherent economic inequality factors in Latin America (LA) justify conducting a comprehensive analysis on the current status and future trends of peri-implant ...
    • Fariña Sirandoni, Rodrigo; Alister, Juan Pablo; Uribe, Francisca; Olate, Sergio; Arriagada, Alvaro (Wolters Kluwer Health, 2016)
      Background: Mandibular reconstruction has been the subject of much debate and research in the fields of maxillofacial surgery and head and neck surgery. Materials and Methods: A retrospective observational study was ...
    • Gahona Gutiérrez, Osvaldo; Granic Marinov, Xenia; Antunez Chelmes, Cristina; Domancic Alucema, Stefan; Díaz Narváez, Víctor; Utsman Abarca, Robert (Ariesdue, 2018)
      Aim Determining appropriate primary stability at time of implant placement is a key therapeutic decision. The aim of the study was to compare insertion torque and implant stability quotient (ISQ) obtained at the time of ...
    • Naenni, Nadja; Lim, Hyun-Chang; Strauss Avendaño, Franz; Jung, Ronald; Haemmerle, Christoph; Thoma, Daniel S. (Korean Acad Periodontology, 2020)
      Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the local tissue reactions associated with 3 different poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) prototype membranes and to compare them to the reactions associated with ...
    • Pintor Willcock, María Fernanda; Campos Salvaterra, O. (2007)
      Los implantes cigomáticos están indicados en casos de reabsorciones maxilares severas. Esto permitiría eliminar la necesidad de injertos óseos o levantamientos de seno de manera de recuperar el volumen óseo necesario para ...
    • Lanis, Alejandro; Padial Molina, Miguel; Selman, Andrea; Álvarez del Canto, Orlando (Quintessence Publishing, 2015)
      Passive fit between prosthesis and implants or abutments is a significant factor in preventing mechanical and biologic failures of implant-supported prostheses. Therefore, impression techniques must transfer the 3D implant ...
    • Li, I.; Yin, X.; Huang, L.; Mouraret, S.; Brunski, J. B.; Córdova Jara, Luis; Salmon, B.; Helms, J. A. (SAGE Publications Inc, 2017)
      A variety of clinical classification schemes have been proposed as a means to identify sites in the oral cavity where implant osseointegration is likely to be successful. Most schemes are based on structural characteristics ...