Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Motzfeld Espinosa, Enrique Ronald; Covarrubias Gallardo, Cristián Mauricio; Gomez Carranza, Maria Leyla; Bastías Miranda, Fabiola Alexandra; Maureira Vargas, Miguel Ignacio (Sociedad de Periodoncia de ChileSociedad de Prótesis y Rehabilitación Oral de ChileSociedad Chilena de OdontopediatríaSociedad de Implantología Oral de Chile, 2021)
      Objective: To compare the structural and antibacterial properties of a Laser - treated commercial dental implant (No-Itis®) with those of a traditional sandblasted and acidetched (SLA) implant. Materials and Methods: ...
    • Khouly, Ismael; Pardinas López, Simón; Ruff, Ryan Richard; Strauss Avendaño, Franz Josef (Springer, 2020)
      Objectives The aim of this study was to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis on the efficacy of growth factors (GF) on clinical outcomes after treatment (surgical/non-surgical) of peri-implant diseases (peri-implant ...
    • Alarcón, Marco Antonio; Sanz Sánchez, Ignacio; López Pacheco, Andrea; Tavelli, Lorenzo; Galarraga Vinueza, María Elisa; Schwarz, Frank; Romanelli, Hugo; Peredo, Luis; Mendes Pannuti, claudio; Javer Manzur, Enrique Gabriel; Vieira, Andrés Felipe; Montealegre, Mauricio; Galindo, Roberto; Umanzor, Vilma; Treviño, Alejandro; Fretes Wood, Patricia; Cisneros, Marissa; Collins, James R.; Bueno, Luis; Gimenéz, Xiomara; Málaga Figueroa, Lilian; Sanz, Mariano (Wiley, 2021)
      Background: The social diversity, heterogeneous culture, and inherent economic inequality factors in Latin America (LA) justify conducting a comprehensive analysis on the current status and future trends of peri-implant ...