Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Aitken Saavedra, Juan; Lund, Rafael; González, Jaime; Huenchunao, Romina; Pérez Vallespir, Ilia; Morales Bozo, Irene; Urzúa Orellana, Blanca; Chaves Tarquinio, Sandra; Maturana Ramírez, Andrea; Martos, Josué; Fernández Ramires, Ricardo; Molina Berríos, Alfredo (Taylor and Francis Ltd, 2018)
      Objective: To determine number, species of Candida and Candida resistance to antifungal therapy according to the metabolic control state and the associated salivary changes in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus ...
    • López, Néstor; Valenzuela, Carlos; Jara, Lilian (2009)
      Background: Epidemiologic studies have shown an increased frequency, severity, and risk of periodontitis in patients with diabetes. Periodontitis is associated with certain interleukin (IL)-1 gene cluster polymorphisms. ...