Representation fields for quaternionic skew-hermitian forms

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Arenas Carmona, Luis
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Representation fields for quaternionic skew-hermitian forms
Classes of indefinite quadratic forms in a genus are in correspondence
with the Galois group of an abelian extension called the spinor class
field (Estes and Hsia, Japanese J. Math. 16, 341–350 (1990)). Hsia has
proved (Hsia et al., J. Reine Angew. Math. 494, 129–140 (1998)) the existence
of a representation field F with the property that a lattice in the
genus represents a fixed given lattice if and only if the corresponding element
of the Galois group is trivial on F. This far, the corresponding result
for skew-hermitian forms was known only in some special cases, e.g., when
the ideal (2) is square free over the base field. In this work we prove the
existence of representation fields for quaternionic skew-hermitian forms
in complete generality.
Supported by Fondecyt, Proyecto No. 1085017.
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Archiv der Mathematik 94 (2010), 351–356