Hydroxyestradiols and methoxyestradiols as endogenous factors associated to physiological and physiopathological conditions
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Parada Bustamante, Alexis
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Hydroxyestradiols and methoxyestradiols as endogenous factors associated to physiological and physiopathological conditions
Estradiol (E2) is a steroidal hormone generated by the conversion of testosterone via
the p450 aromatase enzymatic complex. The E2 physiological actions are mainly
mediated by its interaction with intracellular receptors known as estrogen receptors
(ERs). The E2-ERs complex is able to alter the gene expression in its target cells binding
to specific sequences in the DNA. Besides, estrogens can also activate several
intracellular signal transduction cascades (e.g. cAMP-PKA, IP3-Ca2+) by non-genomic
Following to exert its biological effects in their target tissues, E2 must be inactivated
and eliminated by the body through its conversion to soluble compounds with a
insignificant or very low estrogenic activity. These reactions are accomplished by several
enzymatic processes that involve reactions of oxidations and conjugations. The
enzymatic modifications that a molecule of E2 undergoes to be eliminated include
sulfonations, O-methylations, hydroxylations and glucurodinations. Even though the
conversion of E2 to inactive or less active metabolites occurs mainly in the liver, it has
been reported that some peripheral tissues, including breast, uterus, placenta and brain,
express the enzymes required to inactive E2.One of the most studied enzymatic pathways that inactive estradiol in peripheral
tissues consists in a C-2 hydroxylation, a reaction catalyzed by the enzyme cytochrome
p450, isoform 1A1 (CYP1A1), that generates a molecule of 2-hydroxyestradiol (2OHE2)
and the C-4 hydroxylation, a reaction catalyzed by the enzyme CYP1B1 that generates 4-
hydroxyestradiol (4OHE2). Then, the hydroxyl group previously added is replaced by a
methyl group through a conjugation reaction catalyzed by the enzyme Catechol-OMethyltransferase
(COMT), which originates a molecule of 2- methoxyestradiol (2ME2)
from 2OHE2 and 4-methoxyestradiol (4ME2) from 4OHE2.
Recently, it has been demonstrated that hydroxyestradiols and methoxyestradiols are
not inactive molecules since several reports have shown that these estradiol metabolites
may exert physiological actions in different organs and tissues, while an unbalanced
estradiol metabolization to hydroxyestradiols and methoxyestradiols could be the
responsible factor of several diseases including cancer and preeclampsia. In this chapter
we will review the available literature concerning to the physiological effects that
hydroxyestradiols and methoxyestradiols exert in several organs and how an altered
production of hydroxyestradiols or methoxyestradiols could have deleterious effects on
several biological functions. We will specially discuss the possible physiological and
physiopathological effects of 2ME2 in female reproductive tissues, where this estradiol
metabolite is able to alter the ovum transport and change the gene expression profile.
Particularly, we will describe a group of 2ME2-induced genes in the mouse uterus that
could be useful as biomarkers to elucidate the role of 2ME2 in the female reproductive
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En: Estradiol: Synthesis, Health Effects and Drug Interactions". Editorial: Nova Science Publishers. EEUU, pp. 1-21