Antitrust and regulation, complements or substitutes? the case of a vertically integrated firm
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González Tissinetti, Aldo
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Antitrust and regulation, complements or substitutes? the case of a vertically integrated firm
This paper studies the interaction between regulation and antitrust. We
consider a situation where an incumbent provides access to an
essential facility and competes downstream with an entrant such that
the anticompetitive danger is twofold. First, abusive access charges
reduce the benefits of competition and second the incumbent may
engage in predatory pricing or “margin squeeze”. We show that access
regulation and antitrust are complementary instruments, i.e. tighter
exante regulation that tends to fix lower access charge demands expost
more antitrust monitoring aimed to deter predation.
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Series Documentos de Trabajo, No. 225 Noviembre, 2006
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