Now showing items 41-60 of 6924

    • Engel Goetz, Eduardo (John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 1984)
      Conditions under which sums, products and time-aggregation of ARMA processes follow ARMA models are derived from a single theorem. This characterizes these processes in terms of difference equations satisfied by their ...
    • a.Tí! 
      Carrasco Manríquez, Carla; Moreno Paiva, Pilar (Universidad de Chile, 2014-12)
      El mundo en el que hoy vivimos, es cada vez más exigente, distintos estándares se han implantado en la sociedad, para establecerse y formar parte de la rutina. Los estándares de belleza y salud no son la excepción, razón ...
    • Sanhueza Riveros, Claudia; Bravo Urrutia, David; Urzúa, Sergio (Universidad de Chile. Departamento de Economía, 2007-07)
      This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the gender differences in the Chilean labor market. We formally deal with the selection of the individuals into schooling levels and its consequences on the gender gaps. ...
    • Clarke, Damian Charles; Mühlrad, Hanna (Elsevier, 2021)
      We examine the impact of progressive and regressive abortion legislation on women’shealth in Mexico. Following a 2007 reform in the Federal District of Mexico whichdecriminalised and subsidised early-term elective abortion, ...
    • Accinelli, Elvio (Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2003-12)
      In this paper we prove that the social equilibrium set, of an exchange economy, with consumption space as a subset of a Banach space is a Banach manifold, and this characterization does not depend on the number of ...
    • Rojas, Gonzalo A.. (Univ Santiago de Chile, 2016)
      The present essay discusses the current legal body of Decree 464 in Law 18.455 "Viticultural Zoning and Appellations of Origin" for Chilean wine. A legislation that is lacking in DO protection and recognition, being rather ...
    • Hurtado Rodríguez, Marcela (Universidad de Chile, 2019-11)
      El Servicio Nacional de Menores (SENAME) es un servicio público centralizado, colaborador del sistema judicial y dependiente del Ministerio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos. Tiene por objetivo principal la protección de los ...
    • González Busch, Felipe Andre (Universidad de Chile, 2016-07)
      La industria musical chilena se encuentra en franco declive. Luego de la abrupta caída de las ventas, producto de la piratería digital, no se ha logrado establecer una nueva forma de comercialización adecuada para la ...
    • Martorell Cunill, Onofre; Gil La fuente, Anna María; Merigó Lindahl, José; Otero González, Luis (Springer Verlag, 2018)
      Bibliometrics is a fundamental field of information science that helps to draw quantitative conclusions about bibliographic material. During the last decade, the use of techniques and bibliometric studies has experienced ...
    • Merigó Lindahl, José; Cancino del Castillo, Christian; Coronado Martínez, Freddy; Urbano, David (Springer, 2016)
      Many countries are investing a lot in innovation in order to modernize their economies. A key step in this process is the development of academic research in innovation. This article analyzes the leading countries in ...
    • Cornejo Barnett, Mauricio; Leiva Silva, Benjamín (Universidad de Chile, 2016)
      La crisis subprime del año 2008 trajo consigo una gran convulsión en las economías desarrolladas y emergentes. En esta investigación abordamos para este periodo el tema del acceso al crédito y el endeudamiento de las ...
    • Araya M., David (Universidad de Chile, 2013-12)
      En las últimas décadas, las pequeñas y medianas empresas (en adelante PyME o MiPyME)1, han sido objeto de numerosos estudios por parte de académicos y profesionales de entidades nacionales e internacionales. El origen de ...
    • Pardo V., Lucía (Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 1992-06)
      Este estudio tiene por objeto analizar la situación de las empresas de menor tamaño a fin de considerar el efecto que tiene el tamaño de las empresas sobre la rentabilidad de ellas, además estudiar las posibilidades de ...
    • Garay Apip, Rodrigo (Universidad de Chile, 2016-03)
      En el mundo, una de cada tres pymes califica para poder tener acceso formal al crédito1. Dicha situación se hace más crítica al descomponer por continente, observando que en Europa el acceso a este tipo de financiamiento ...
    • Álvarez Espinoza, Roberto; López, Ricardo A. (Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2014-05)
      Using firm-level data from the manufacturing sector of Chile for the period 1995-2002, we examine whether access to finance increase the probability of exporting. To do that, we exploit information of firms´ access to ...
    • Rotarou, Elena S.; Sakellariou, Dikaios (Taylor & Francis, 2019)
      Since late 2009, Greece has been dealing with the effects of a debt crisis. The neoliberal principles embedded in the three structural adjustment programmes that the country accepted have required radical cuts in health ...
    • Núñez Mondaca, Alicia Lorena; Sreeganga, S. D.; Ramaprasad, Arkalgud (MDPI, 2021)
      Ensuring access to healthcare is critical to prevent illnesses and deaths from COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 cases in health systems that have deteriorated during the pandemic. This study aims to map the existing literature ...
    • Sakellariou, Dikaios; Rotarou, Elena S. (BMJ Publishing Group, 2017)
      Objectives The aim of this study was to investigate differences in access to healthcare between people with and without disabilities in the UK. The hypotheses were that: (1) people with disabilities would be more likely ...
    • Clarke, Damian Charles; Salinas, Viviana (Duke Univ Press, 2021)
      We examine the sharp expansion in availability of the emergency contraceptive pill in Chile following legalized access through municipal public health care centers. We study the period 2002–2016 and a broad ...
    • Cabezas, Luis; De Gregorio, José (Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2018)
      Motivated by the significant increases in international reserves during the 2000s, this paper analyzes the reasons why emerging and developing countries choose to accumulate them. In addition to a traditional measure of ...