Now showing items 6856-6875 of 6888

    • Ochoa, J. Marcelo (Universidad de Chile, 2006-11-29)
      This paper attempts to provide an economic interpretation of the factors that drive the movements of interest rates of bonds of different maturities in a continuous-time no-arbitrage term structure model. The dynamics ...
    • Contreras Guajardo, Dante; Sepúlveda, Paulina; Bustos, Sebastián (WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, INC, 2010-12)
      The voucher scheme introduced in Chile in 1981 allows for-profit private subsidized schools to choose their students. The objective of this article is to present evidence of this practice and examine its relationship with ...
    • Gómez-Lobo Echeñique, Andrés (2007)
      In this paper a model is presented based on ideas borrowed from the job search and price dispersion literature to characterise the pricing equilibrium of a competitive bus market in a more general setting than previously ...
    • Maquieira Villanueva, Carlos (Jorge Gregoire, 1994)
      El articulo analiza tres hipotesis, señal de flujo de caja, flujo de caja libre y estructura de propiedad como explicacion alternativa a la decisión de inicio de dividendos de empresas cuyas acciones son transadas por ...
    • López Vega, Ramón; Palacios, Amparo (Springer, 2014)
      This paper examines the role of fiscal policy, trade and energy taxes on environmental quality in Europe using disaggregated data at the monitoring station level for the 12 richest European countries spanning the period ...
    • Larrañaga Jiménez, Osvaldo; Valenzuela, Juan Pablo (Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2007)
      This study measures the impact of changes in the income determinants on inequality in the 1990 to 2003 period, in order to answer the question of why income distribution as a whole has not changed. The methodology ...
    • Bergoeing Vela, Raphael; Kehoe, Timothy J.; Strauss-Kahn, Vanessa; Mu Yi, Kei (The American Economic Association, 2004)
      For the OECD as whole, as well as for the U.S., manufacturing exports have been rising, while manufacturing output (both expressed as a share of total GDP) has been falling. We examine the prevalence of this puzzling fact ...
    • Agosín Trumper, Manuel; Huaita, Franklin (Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2007)
      This paper develops a simple analytic framework to analyze the effects of capital surges and sudden stops in the financial account of the balance of payments in emerging economies. In this model, capital inflows are ...
    • Mantel, Rolf R. (Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 1995-12)
      The usual procedure in the field of optimal growth consists in maximizing a (discounted or not) sum of instantaneous utilities, called welfare. Such an optimality criterion implies that preferences are independent over ...
    • Guiloff, Allan; Costa-Nora, Luz María de (Universidad de Chile, 2014-09)
      Es una empresa productora de eventos que desde el año 2013 ofrece paseos de mitad de carrera, popularmente conocidos como paseos del ombligo, a universitarios que estudian en Santiago. Los paseos que organiza son realizados ...
    • Abud Castaño, Alejandro (Universidad de Chile, 2015-07)
      Wind Seal es un proyecto para la creación de una empresa importadora y distribuidora de perfiles de aluminio para la fabricación de ventanas en el mercado chileno. La empresa cuenta con una buena red de contactos en China ...
    • Ascencio Flores, Daniel R.; Hernández A., Juan (Universidad de Chile, 2016-10)
      El turismo es una de las industrias de más rápido crecimiento en el mundo y lo ha sido particularmente en Chile en los últimos años. Este Sector Industrial, además, es el principal promotor de la conservación del medio ...
    • Revil, Thiago; Torres Martínez, Juan Pablo (Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2008)
      In infinite horizon incomplete market economies, when the seizure of collateral guarantees is the only mechanism enforcing borrowers not to entirely default on their promises, equilibrium exists independently of the ...
    • Treviño, Ernesto; Valenzuela Barros, Juan Pablo; Villalobos, Cristóbal (Elsevier, 2016)
      This paper analyzes the segregation within schools in Chile, looking at the related institutional factors and the effect that this process has on students' academic performance. To analyze the relationship between institutional ...
    • Woosano 
      Cortés-Monroy Rojas, Martin; Gris Olguín, Matías (Universidad de Chile, 2023)
      Woo-sano es una empresa dedicada a la producción, elaboración y venta de alimentos elaborados a partir de carne de lombriz, la cual se destaca por el alto valor proteico y ser un alimento saludable ya que es libre en ...
    • Abujatum Dueñas, Paula; Fernández Cruz, Macarena; Lillo Sánchez, María José; Navarrete Dechent, María Paz (Universidad de Chile, 2011)
      En el presente trabajo se analizan los diferentes factores que influyen al momento de confiar en aquellos comentarios que se realizan a través de las Redes Sociales; entre estos factores se encuentran: el Prestigio de la ...
    • Work Labs 
      Castillo, Alessandra; Rodríguez Hernández, David (Universidad de Chile, 2014-07)
      WorkLabs is a startup serviced office company that is dedicated to providing its members with a quality workspace, business solutions, and other services designed to satisfy all of their needs, so they can focus on excelling ...
    • Workout 
      Oyarzún Álvarez, María Paz; Rosas D., María Ester (Universidad de Chile, 2016-08)
      La oportunidad de negocio consiste en un portal web georreferenciado, WORKOUT!, el cual consolidará toda la oferta en torno a lugares donde se practique deporte y fitness y que además logre aumentar el mercado para ...
    • Velitchkova, Ana (Wiley-Blackwell, 2015)
      This study proposes a micro-institutional theory of political violence, according to which citizens’ participation in political violence is partially an outcome of tight coupling of persons’ practices and self-identific ...
    • Schmidt-Hebbel Dunker, Klaus; Servén, Luis (Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 1998-12)
      The world's average saving rate has declined for the last two decades but country saving rates exhibit a large dispersion, especially in developing regions. While in a small number of developing countries saving has risen ...