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Professor Advisordc.contributor.advisorFaúndez Yancas, Luis es_CL
Professor Advisordc.contributor.advisorArroyo, Mary T. K.
Authordc.contributor.authorGarcía Berguecio, Nicolás es_CL
Staff editordc.contributor.editorFacultad de Ciencias Agronómicases_CL
Staff editordc.contributor.editorEscuela de Agronomíaes_CL
General notedc.descriptionMemoria para optar al título profesional de: Ingeniero en Recursos Naturales Renovables
Abstractdc.description.abstractRichness and composition floristical characters of the high-andean vegetation were evaluated among a site in the Coastal (Altos de Chicauma) and Andes (Quilapilún) mountain ranges of central Chile (33º S). The dispersal spectrum of the total floras and the proportion of Chaetanthera species with different pappus types were compared among sites, in order to discern the relevance of the dispersability degree in the origin of the analyzed vegetation in the Coastal mountains. Both richness and composition of species, evaluated in equivalent areas, are not significantly different, although there is a higher proportion of species only present in the Andes than in the Coastal range of central Chile. The dispersability is similar among sites, indicating a low probability of long distance dispersal as the origin of the actual high-andean vegetation in Altos de Chicauma. Aspects relevant to explain the resulting richness and compositional patterns, and the evolution of the high-andean flora, are discussed.es_CL
Publisherdc.publisherUniversidad de Chilees_CL
Type of licensedc.rightsGarcía Berguecio, Nicoláses_CL
Keywordsdc.subjectFlora andina.es_CL
Keywordsdc.subjectPlantas de montaña.es_CL
Títulodc.titleAnálisis florístico comparativo de la vegetación alto-andina de la Cordillera de la Costa y de los Andes de Chile central.es_CL
Document typedc.typeTesis

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