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Now showing items 1-20 of 20
(2010)Vibrio parahaemolyticus species type strain ATCC 18702T contains two 16S rRNA gene (rrs) types in the 11 ribosomal operons. The differences between these two rrs types are concentrated in a variable stem loop and can be ...
(AULA MEDICA EDICIONES, C/ISABEL COLBRAND, 2015)Introduction: Heart rate variability and resting metabolic rate are commonly to assess athlete's physiological status and energy requirements. Exercise-induced dehydration can reach up to 5% of body mass per hour. Consequently, ...
(FRONTIERS RESEARCH FOUNDATION, 2015)Infectioussalmonanemiavirus(ISAV)hascausedgreatlossestotheChileansalmonindustry,andthesuccessofpreventionandtreatmentstrategiesisuncertain.TheuseofRNAinterference(RNAi)isapromisingapproachbecauseduringthereplicationcycle ...
(BioMed Central, 2015)Background: New strains of Vibrio parahaemolyticus that cause diarrhea in humans by seafood ingestion periodically emerge through continuous evolution in the ocean. Influx and expansion in the Southern Chilean ocean of ...
(Editorial Universitaria, 2017)
(Universidad de Chile. INTAJunta Nacional de Auxilio Escolar y Becas (Chile), 2017)
(Universidad de Chile. INTAJUNAEB, 2017)
(Springer, 2017)The human DNA is exposed to a number of changes, these changes are frequently carried out in one or few nucleotides called mutations, which can be caused by errors in the mechanisms of DNA replication and repair as well ...
(Programa 5 al Día (Chile)Universidad de Chile. Instituto de Nutrición y Tecnología de los AlimentosChile. Ministerio de Agricultura, 2018)1.300 millones de toneladas de alimentos se pierden o desperdician anualmente en el mundo, según datos de la FAO. Esta es una situación muy alarmante, sobre todo en países en donde el hambre y la malnutrición son un tema ...
(NOVA, 2019)Worldwide, the prevalence of chronic diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, inflammatory (autoimmune) and neurodegenerative diseases, has shown a sharp ...
(2019-03)Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are transcription factors whose isoforms (α, β/δ, and γ) have key and complementary roles in relation to energy metabolism, glucose and lipid homeostasis, regulation of ...
(Ediciones UC, 2021)
(Universidad de Chile. INTA, 2022)La promoción de salud ha tenido un considerable desarrollo a nivel internacional y nacional. Después de una larga trayectoria, en los años ochenta, se convirtió en una importante estrategia dentro del campo de la salud ...
(Springer, 2022)Iron plays essential roles in the early development of cognitive processes and in the maintenance of neuronal functions in the mature brain; therefore, neurons have expeditious mechanisms to ensure a readily available iron ...
(Universidad de ChileFLACSO-Chile, 2022)
(Springer, 2023)Fetal growth and development are influenced by maternal nutrition and gestational weight gain. Adequate intake of nutrients such as folate, vitamin B12, and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is essential for healthy fetal and ...
(Universidad de Chile. Instituto de Nutrición y Tecnología de los Alimentos, 2023)
(Universidad de Chile. INTA, 2024)La iniciativa de publicar este libro surge en el marco del programa de capacitación dirigido a los Técnicos de Postas de Salud Rural, con el fin de incentivar liderazgos en salud y desarrollar capacidades en Promoción de ...