Low-Dimensional, Hinged Bar-code Metal Oxide Layers and Free-Standing, Ordered Organic Nanostructures from Turbostratic Vanadium Oxide
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O’Dwyer, Colm
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Low-Dimensional, Hinged Bar-code Metal Oxide Layers and Free-Standing, Ordered Organic Nanostructures from Turbostratic Vanadium Oxide
Both low-dimensional bar-coded metal oxide layers, which exhibit
molecular hinging, and free-standing organic nanostructures can be
obtained from unique nanofibers of vanadium oxide (VOx). The nanofibers
are successfully synthesized by a simple chemical route using an ethanolic
solution of vanadium pentoxide xerogel and dodecanethiol resulting in a
double bilayered laminar turbostratic structure. The formation of vanadium
oxide nanofibers is observed after hydrothermal treatment of the
thiol-intercalated xerogel, resulting in typical lengths in the range 2–6mm
and widths of about 50–500 nm. We observe concomitant hinging of the
flexible nanofiber lamina at periodic hinge points in the final product on
both the nanoscale and molecular level. Bar-coded nanofibers comprise
alternating segments of organic–inorganic (thiols–VOx) material and are
amenable to segmented, localized metal nanoparticle docking. Under certain
conditions free-standing bilayered organic nanostructures are realized.
The support of Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) under
Investigator award 02/IN.1/172, the EU Network of Excellence
PhOREMOST (FP6/2003/IST/2-511616), and FONDECyT Grants
1050344 and 1070195 are all gratefully acknowledged.
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SMALL, Volume: 4, Issue: 7, Pages: 990-1000, 2008