Optimal control in a noisy system
We describe a simple method to control a known unstable periodic orbit UPO in the presence of
noise. The strategy is based on regarding the control method as an optimization problem, which
allows us to calculate a control matrix A. We illustrate the idea with the Rossler system, the Lorenz
system, and a hyperchaotic system that has two exponents with positive real parts. Initially, a UPO
and the corresponding control matrix are found in the absence of noise in these systems. It is shown
that the strategy is useful even if noise is added as control is applied. For low noise, it is enough to
find a control matrix such that the maximum Lyapunov exponent max 0, and with a single
non-null entry. If noise is increased, however, this is not the case, and the full control matrix A may
be required to keep the UPO under control. Besides the Lyapunov spectrum, a characterization of
the control strategies is given in terms of the average distance to the UPO and the control effort
required to keep the orbit under control. Finally, particular attention is given to the problem of
handling noise, which can affect considerably the estimation of the UPO itself and its exponents,
and a cleaning strategy based on singular value decomposition was developed. This strategy gives
a consistent manner to approach noisy systems, and may be easily adapted as a parametric control
strategy, and to experimental situations, where noise is unavoidable.
This project has been financially supported by FONDECyT
under Contract Nos. 1070854 J.A.V. , 1070131
J.A.V. , 1070080 J.R. , 1071062 J.R. , 1060830 V.M. ,
1080658 V.M. , and 3060029 B.T. . F.A. is grateful for the
financial support from the doctoral fellowship of the Programa
MECE Educación Superior.
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CHAOS, Volume: 18, Issue: 3, Article Number: 033106, 2008