Between-population differences in digestive flexibility in the olivaceous field mouse

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Bozinovic, Francisco
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Between-population differences in digestive flexibility in the olivaceous field mouse
The flexibility of digestive traits characterizes a standard model of physiological flexibility, demonstrating
that animals adjust their digestive attributes in order to maximize overall energy return. Using an
intraspecific experimental study,weevaluated the amount of flexibility in digestive tract mass and length
in individuals from field mouse populations inhabiting semi-arid and temperate rain forest habitats and
acclimated for six months to diets of different qualities. In accordance with the predictions of the theory
of digestion, we observed a highly significant relationship between dietary variability and digestive flexibility
in both specific digestive chambers and in the total digestive tract mass and length. Specifically,
we found higher digestive plasticity in response to diet quality in rodents inhabiting southern temperate
ecosystems with higher dietary variability in comparison to individuals from northern semi-arid habitats.
General note
Artículo de publicación ISI
This paper was funded by FONDAP 1501-0001 Program 1 (Chile)
to F.B. and CSIC (Uruguay) to D.E.N. K.M. acknowledges a CONICYT
Ph.D. fellowship.
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ZOOLOGY, Volume: 113, Issue: 6, Pages: 373-377, 2010