The planetary exoplanetary environment: A nonlinear perspective
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Chian, Abraham C.-L.
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The planetary exoplanetary environment: A nonlinear perspective
A review of the fundamental physical processes in the planetary–exoplanetary environment is presented, with emphasis on nonlinear
phenomena. First, we discuss briefly the detection of exoplanets and search for radio emissions from exoplanets. Next, we give an overview
of the concepts of waves, instabilities, chaos and turbulence in the planetary–exoplanetary environment based on our present
knowledge of the solar-terrestrial environment. We conclude by discussing cyclotron masers and chaos in nonthermal radio emissions
in the planetary–exoplanetary environment.
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Artículo de publicación ISI.
This work is supported by CNPq, FAPESP, the Conicyt-
CNPq International Collaboration Program, and the
Fondecyt Project No. 1070854.
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ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH, Volume: 46, Issue: 4, Pages: 472-484, 2010