X -Adrenergic and 5~HT2 Serotonergic Effects of Some B-Pheuyletilamines on Isolated rat thoracic Aorta
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Saez, Patricio
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X -Adrenergic and 5~HT2 Serotonergic Effects of Some B-Pheuyletilamines on Isolated rat thoracic Aorta
I, 2C·fI 12'(2,5.dimelhoxYJ'hcny1)elhyl;mlil1cj (1'°1 ." Ií, 7-1),1 1\II'F,\ pp,1,.~.
trlmelhoxyphenyl)elhylnl11il1el (pDz = 5.81). ,c·n (2(2,5 ditnrfh,,:(y.-1I11f:lhylpIH~lIy')("',yl:"I1II1('1
(pO, = 5.06), homovelalrylnmlne (UMPEi\., 2(,I,.~,li,tlf,lhnxYl'henyl)"'hyl:lInilld (1'''~'.,,1.,1(,)alltl ho.
mopiperonylamine (MDrfi\., 2-(3,4.mc'hrlen('(lif"~Yl'h~l1yl)e'hylnl11i"rl (I'D~ '" -1.I(), did' <:"11('('11'
Iralion-dependenl conlracUon of Ihe i~o'ntet.l mI thorndc norln.
2. i\.l 9.9 x 10- A M, 2C-N (2.(2,5·c!imclhoxy.4"l1ilrnphenyl)("hyl:tmil1cl h('hnves ns a e'll"l'rliIÍl('
anlagonisl lo serolonin ill Ihis prcparntion.
3. Considering previotls restllls wilh Ihe ~lrllctllm"y Idn'e" 2cn p,(1·hro",0~5 ',lim~",
oxyphenyl)elhylamine]. wenk or partial agonislic nclivily or nnlllBooism 01 no, tic l'N,'ra"tion :tl','('n, ~ ",
be relale<! lo psychedelic prorert.ies reporled in Im\l1:m~for rhenylelhylnmill~~.
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Gen. Pharmac. Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 211-216, 1998