Transparent conducting polymer electrolyte by addition of lithium to the molecular complex chitosane -poly (aminopropyl siloxane)

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Fuentes, S.
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Transparent conducting polymer electrolyte by addition of lithium to the molecular complex chitosane -poly (aminopropyl siloxane)
Transparent lithium-ion conducting films were prepared by adding lithium perchlorate to a mixture of chitosane (CHI) and
poly(aminopropylsiloxane) (pAPS) in a molar ratio 0.6:1 by sol /gel methods. The morphological and molecular properties,
determined by scanning electron microscopy and FT-IR, respectively, depend on the lithium salt concentration. The same
techniques were also used for performing a ‘‘titration’’ of the capacity of the film for incorporating lithium salt. Results show that
about 0.8 mol lithium salt per mol chitosane can be added before the product losses the transparence and molecular compatibility
characteristic of the pristine CHI/pAPS polymer complex. When lithium salt addition reaches the tolerance limit, anisotropically
oriented patterns are observed in the hybrid films. Both transparence and ionic conductivity of the product appear to be related to
the layered nature of formed nanocomposites. The properties of obtained films may be furthermore rationalized considering the
chemical functionality and the Lewis donor /acceptor affinity of the components
Research partially financed by FONDECYT (Contract
numbers 1010525, 1010924 and 1991006).
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Electrochimica Acta 48, pp. 2015-2019, 2003