Atomistic simulation of single crystal copper nanowires under tensile stress: Influence of silver impurities in the emission of dislocations
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Amigo, N.
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Atomistic simulation of single crystal copper nanowires under tensile
stress: Influence of silver impurities in the emission of dislocations
The transition from elastic to plastic behaviour in single crystal copper nanowires under uniaxial tensile
stress at different concentrations of silver (0.0–0.5 at.% Ag) and at different temperatures (0.1, 100, and
300 K) using the molecular dynamics method is investigated. The tensile stress is applied along h100i
crystallographic orientation and the silver atoms are placed randomly on the surface of the nanowire,
as substitutional point defect. The simulations indicate that silver atoms lower slightly the unstable
stacking fault energy, making them act as sources of partial dislocation nucleation, due to the local strain
field they produce in the lattice structure. The defects generated in the material also act as sources for
nucleation, giving rise to a competition of two mechanism. Also, it is observed that the yield point
decreases with the temperature and the presence of impurities.
General note
Artículo de publicación ISI
This work is supported by a Codelco-IM2 Grant. NA thanks Conicyt
fellowship and GG acknowledges partial support from Fondecyt-
Chile 1120603.
DOI: DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2014.02.014
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Computational Materials Science 87 (2014) 76–82