Carbonaceous Aerosols in Fine Particulate Matter of Santiago Metropolitan Area, Chile

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Toro Araya, Richard
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Carbonaceous Aerosols in Fine Particulate Matter of Santiago Metropolitan Area, Chile
Measurements of carbonaceous aerosols in South American cities are limited, and most existing data are of short term and limited
to only a few locations. For 6 years (2002–2007), concentrations of fine particulate matter and organic and elemental carbon were
measured continuously in the capital of Chile. The contribution of carbonaceous aerosols to the primary and secondary fractions
was estimated at three different sampling sites and in the warm and cool seasons.The results demonstrate that there are significant
differences in the levels in both the cold (March to August) and warm (September to February) seasons at all sites studied. The
percent contribution of total carbonaceous aerosol fine particulate matter was greater in the cool season (53 ± 41%) than in the
warm season (44 ± 18%). On average, the secondary organic carbon in the city corresponded to 29% of the total organic carbon.
In cold periods, this proportion may reach an average of 38%. A comparison of the results with the air quality standards for fine
particulate matter indicates that the total carbonaceous fraction alone exceeds theWorld Health Organization standard (10 𝜇g/m3)
and the United States Environmental Protection Agency standard (15 𝜇g/m3) for fine particulate matter.
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Financial support from the Centro de Ciencias Ambientales
of the Facultad de Ciencias of the Universidad de Chile. is gratefully acknowledged. One of the authors (Manuel
A. Leiva Guzm´an) extends his thanks to the program of
Scholarships-Chile CONICYT and Universidad de Chile for
the partial financing to perform postdoctoral stays at the
University of California at Davis (UCD).
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Scientific World Journal Volume 2014, Article ID 794590, 12 pages