Signed fundamental domains for totally real number fields
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Díaz y Díaz, Francisco
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Signed fundamental domains for totally real number fields
We give a signed fundamental domain for the action on Rn+ of the totally positive units E+ of a totally real number field k of degree n. The domain {(Co, wo)}o is signed since the net number
of its intersections with any E+-orbit is 1, that is, for any x [épsilon]Rn+,
[sigma]oESn-1 [sigma]eEE+ WoXco (EX)= 1
Here, XCo is the characteristic function of Co, Wo = |1 is a natural orientation of the n-dimensional k-rational cone Co CRn+, and the inner sum is actually finite.
Signed fundamental domains are as useful as Shintani fs true ones for the purpose of calculating abelian L-functions. They have the advantage of being easily constructed from any set of
fundamental units, whereas in practice there is no algorithm producing Shintani fs k-rational cones.
Our proof uses algebraic topology on the quotient manifold Rn+/E+. The invariance of the topological degree under homotopy allows us to control the deformation of a crooked fundamental
domain into nice straight cones. Crossings may occur during the homotopy, leading to the need to subtract some cones.
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Artículo de publicación ISI
We are grateful for the generous support of Chilean MIDEPLAN’s Iniciativa Cient´ıfica Milenio grant ICM
P07-027-F and of Chilean FONDECYT grant 1085153.
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Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 108 (2014) 965–988