Comparación de dos métodos alternativos al pozo barreno para la medición de la conductividad hidráulica saturada (Ks) en un alfisol

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Pfeiffer Jakob, Marco
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Comparación de dos métodos alternativos al pozo barreno para la medición de la conductividad hidráulica saturada (Ks) en un alfisol
The following study compared two field methods and one laboratory method to measure
saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) in the saturated phase of soil, all evaluated in a
clayey loam soil with three replicates. The two field methods under study were the auger
hole method (PB) and the cylinder infiltrometer (CI), the laboratory method was the
constant head permeameter (PCC). Ks values delivered by the PCC method showed
differences in magnitude (1,03 m day-1) and a high variability (CV=249%), thus using
these method is not recommended for soil with similar characteristics to the studied one.
The PB and the CI methods showed a low variability (CV=39 and 13%) and similar Ks
values (10,8 and 7,1 m day-1), being recommended the use of both methods in soils with
similar characteristics to the studied one. These methods are complementary, because of
the PB requires the presence of a water level, meanwhile the CI requires the absence of
these one.
Quote Item
R.C.Suelo Nutr. Veg. 8 (4) 2008 (49-56)