Gender and slaughter weight effects on carcass quality traits of suckling lambs from four different genotypes

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Pérez, P.
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Gender and slaughter weight effects on carcass quality traits of suckling lambs from four different genotypes
The effects of gender and slaughter weight on carcass quality traits were studied in 114 suckling lambs from four genotypes
(Suffolk Down, Merino Precoz Aleman, Suffolk Down—Corriedale and Suffolk Down—Merino Precoz Aleman) raised to either
10 or 15 kg live weight. The characteristics of hot carcass weight, commercial dressing percent and real dressing percent (based on
empty body weight), ribeye muscle area, and back fat depth were increased by higher slaughter weight; hot carcass weight, ribeye
muscle area and back fat depth were higher in male suckling lambs. Different tissue components (bone, residues) varied according
to slaughter weight. The commercial yield of carcass cuts and the anatomical proportions of shoulder and leg components were
affected by both genotype and slaughter weight. None of the genotypes showed clearly superior carcass traits.
This research was funded by Fundación para la Innovación Agraria (FIA), Chile, Project C-97-2-P-008.
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SMALL RUMINANT RESEARCH, V.: 70, issue: 2-3, p.: 124-130, JUL 2007.