Identification of woolliness response genes in peach fruit after post-harvest treatments

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González Agüero, Mauricio
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Identification of woolliness response genes in peach fruit after post-harvest treatments
Woolliness is a physiological disorder of peaches and
nectarines that becomes apparent when fruit are ripened
after prolonged periods of cold storage. This
disorder is of commercial importance since shipping of
peaches to distant markets and storage before selling
require low temperature. However, knowledge about the
molecular basis of peach woolliness is still incomplete.
To address this issue, a nylon macroarray containing
847 non-redundant expressed sequence tags (ESTs)
from a ripe peach fruit cDNA library was developed and
used. Gene expression changes of peach fruit (Prunus
persica cv. O’Henry) ripened for 7 d at 21 C (juicy fruit)
were compared with those of fruit stored for 15 d at
4 C and then ripened for 7 d at 21 C (woolly fruit). A
total of 106 genes were found to be differentially
expressed between juicy and woolly fruit. Data analysis
indicated that the activity of most of these genes
(>90%) was repressed in the woolly fruit. In cold-stored
peaches (cv. O’Henry), the expression level of selected
genes (cobra, endopolygalacturonase, cinnamoyl-CoAreductase,
and rab11) was lower than in the juicy fruit,
and it remained low in woolly peaches after ripening,
a pattern that was conserved in woolly fruit from two
other commercial cultivars (cv. Flamekist and cv.
Elegant Lady). In addition, the results of this study
indicate that molecular changes during fruit woolliness
involve changes in the expression of genes associated
with cell wall metabolism and endomembrane trafficking.
Overall, the results reported here provide an initial
characterization of the transcriptome activity of peach
fruit under different post-harvest treatments.
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Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol. 59, No. 8, pp. 1973–1986, 2008