Renormalized energy of interacting Ginzburg–Landau vortex filaments
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Pino Manresa, Manuel del
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Renormalized energy of interacting Ginzburg–Landau vortex filaments
We consider the Ginzbug–Landau energy in a cylinder in R3, and a canonical approximation for
critical points with an assembly of n 2 periodic vortex lines near the axis of the cylinder. We
find a formula for the energy which, up to a large additive constant and to leading order, is the
action functional of the n-body problem with a logarithmic potential in R2, the axis variable
playing the role of time. A special family of rotating helicoidal critical points of the functional is
found to be non-degenerate up to the invariances of the problem, and therefore persistent under
small perturbations. Our analysis suggests the presence of very complex stationary configurations
for vortex filaments, potentially also involving intersecting filaments.
The work of the first author has been partly supported by Chilean
research grants Fondecyt 1070389 and FONDAP. The second author has been partially
supported by Fondecyt 1050311, FONDAP and Nucleus Millennium grant P04-069-F.
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Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Vol. 77, Nº 3, pags. 647-665, 2008